Program za pravljenje karaoke
Program za pravljenje karaoke

program za pravljenje karaoke

Program se inace u globalu.In the article, we investigate whether peacemaking can be an alternative to the usual retributive approach to combating domestic violence.

program za pravljenje karaoke

This practice, which is dominant both in our country and in most modern societies, is based on the principle of war announcement to crime. Unlike the perspective of war, peacekeeping is committed to the so-called „positive peace“. Positive peace is based on humanism, reciprocity and, freedom, and expressed in practice through restitutive and transformative justice. In order to explore the possibilities for application of peacemaking in our country, we have presented its conceptual base, described legal framework that regulates the issue of domestic violence and existing practices of dealing with victims and abusers.

program za pravljenje karaoke

We noticed that peacemaking is rarely applied in domestic practice despite significant potentials. The reasons should be sought in the legislative framework, as well as in the public discourse on domestic violence. The consequences of existing treatment of the victim and perpetrators are long-term and exclude the possibility of transforming their relationship into meaningful, healthier relationships. Keywords: peacemaking, war, violence, victims, perpetrator Republika Srbija je posle 2000.godine donela Nova zakonska rešenja koja regulišu nasilje u porodici, seksualni kriminalitet, zlostavljanje na radnom mestu (mobing) i trgovinu ljudima, i koja se odnose na aktivniju ulogu žrtve tokom krivičnog postupka.


  • Program za pravljenje karaoke